Pinewood Derby is a great fun event for scouts which has been going since the 90’s! It has been one of the most popular events with most Troops taking part and ideal as a winter time activity.
To enter you purchase a simple kit (wood, wheels and axles) via the form below – and from this you make a car or vehicle of some sort which is raced on a special track to see which car goes the fastest.
Cars are raced in groups, the fastest cars from each group race in a final.
There are prizes for the best looking cars, split into 2 age groups, and for the overall fastest and runner ups. Spectators are welcome on the day. The event will finish around lunchtime.
Snacks and drinks are available but you can bring your own.
The event takes place on Saturday 1st March which is ideal as Scouts will have the whole week of half term to build their car. A full set of rules comes with the kit.
Please download the Flyer for more details and pictures of last year’s event.
To assist you in design and building your car please also download the ‘template’ and ‘instructions and tips’.
Pinewood instructions and tips
If you wish to enter and have not made arrangements with your Scout Leader you can enter online below and arrangements to get a kit to you will be made through your Scout Leader.
Any questions email
Good luck!
Online registration & payment