A study of the Impact of Scouting on the UK’s young people, adults and communities

This report summarises the independent research conducted by Public and Corporate Economic Consultants (PACEC) between September 2010 and February 2011 to review the impact and benefit of The Scout Association on its young people, its volunteers and the wider communities in which Scouting operates.

The research draws on a substantial body of evidence following surveys with over 2,500 people. The research team consulted and engaged with 260 Scout volunteers, almost 800 Scouts (aged 10-25), over 600 former Scouts,100 young people not involved in Scouting, and over 800 external organisations including voluntary and neighbourhood groups, public sector organisations and the private sector.

This report highlights how the nature and scale of Scouting brings significant personal and professional development opportunities to its 500,000-strong membership, as well as how Scouting’s attributes and activities provide considerable benefit to employers and local communities.

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